May 04, 2008

A revealed secret


The memories are still vivid in my mind..those days, we had so much joy and tears.. n we faced them together..the experience then made us so close together as as if we are real siblings…Now, having to spend my days without all of you makes me feel lonely and empty.. Thus, the loneliness insists me to write this…..


~Farah Izzati aka Paah:

She was the first person who caught my attention during my first day in F32.. This is becoz she speaks Loghat Utara.. I was looking for anyone from Kedah at that time.. ( biasalah.. cari orang kampong). But Paah is actually from Penang.. ah.. Never mind..

X kisah dr negeri mana pun but we end up beig close friend kan Paah???.. Paah is the most sensible and matured in the dorm.( but she is so funny… wakakaka…) that is why si Mahi n Thiah ( diorng yg mule2 dulu kalau x silap) n all the dorm member finally decided to call her K. Long.. Tp x lame sbb da biase panggil Paah.. During the Sports Day, Paah, umi n… ( sory la korunk, x ingat…) joined Kawad.. Pastu mule la sakit kai, lengoh.. Nak taw diorang buat cmne nak hilangkan sakit kaki tu?? Diorang ambik baldi dari bilik basuh, bubuh air, letak tepi katil n soaked their feet in.. Adeh, mane la dapat idea tu…klakar btul… anyway something came up that Paah had to transfer into Al- Irsyad.. Mungkin ALLAH takdirkan kejayaan Paah dekat Al Irsyad, bukan kat KISAS.. See, Paah finally got 12a1… X pe Paah tinggakan kita awal sikit, ukhwah doesn`t always need togetherness, as long as the friendhip lives in the du`aa, it will remains abadan abada…. X sabar nak jumpe Paah !!!!!

~Amira Zulaikha aka umy aka thiqoh:

I could still remember our frst days( or should we call it weeks?) in F32.. She was so silent and shy..n the most important is… she owned such an innocent look.. Then, we decided to call her thiqoh..Adeh, kelakar tul.. It kept going on that way till finally umy pon tunjukkn jiwanya yang sebenar..Adeh, Samseng jugak budak ni rupenye.. sabau je la.. Dek kerana menyesal dengan kesilapan besar kitorunk yg telah bertindak zalim ( meletakkan seswatu bukan pd tempatnye) iaitu dengan memanggil umy thiqoh, akhirnye kitorunk pon panggil la si umy ni Mira…Umy ni SGT lah terer Bahasa arab, so, dia ni kre mentor peribadi aku la kat dorm tu.. ( kembang la tu umy..) Nak tau ape yg unik ttg umy?? Setiap kali waktu cuti balik kampong Umi akan ajak org balik umah dia.. “ Weh, jom ar balik umah aku!!!” Ntah ape la yg best kat umah umy agaknye yea??( Jawab Azah!!) the thing I like most about umy is… her mom is really good in cooking.. everytime when umy`s mom came, kitorang memg sangatlah Happy sbb Mak umy selalunya akan bawak makanan utk satu dorm.. Yg paling aku ske, kuih kurma, seri muka, pulut n rendang,,,yummy….. Tp, ak x ingat la cne bleh terpanggil umy ni umy..Mahi, explaination please…..Umy ni sbenarnya SGT lah kelakar ( I really mean this)Penat gelak kalau melayan Umy… Tambah2 ble Umy jumpe geng die… ( Aisyah kecik, sol n Ana aka Mira Hayati) Umy ni jugaklah ketua dorm kitorang ..hehehe.Sampai skrng dia slalu kol @ msg kitorang,, katanye nak memantau anak2 buah.( lihatlah betape gile kuasenye umy.. smpai skrng pon nak 2juk taring)… Windu n sayang Umy!!!!!! Jap… korunk nak tau ape hobi Umi?? Jengjeng jeng!! Umi ske SGT bli ………. Ala, korunk tnye la umy sndri..

~Khairul Fathiah aka thiah:

Kat devider katil Thiah sentiasa ade biskot.. I like.. Thiah didn` mind bout makanan atau barang2 dia.. kalau nak ambik je.. ( pade2 la..jgn lak wat cm harta sendiri.) Thiah is a good listener.. sbb tu I prefer to talk to her kalau ade ape2 hal..( rahsie aku banyak ngan o.. jage2 thiah) Thing I like most about thiah is, die slalu bawak ikan patin masak tempoyak.. Adeh, I like!!! Thiah ni pon leh tahan jugak klakar..eheheh…( bdak2 f32 memg klakr2 pon..) Anyway, there is something I notice about thiah. She wasn`t confident with herself especially when it comes to study.. Hey thiah, ko dapat Sret A`s la…Adeh, terer nye ko…dlu ske ckap bkan2, tak terer la, malu la.. finally?? Meletup jugak kan…Thiah ni ade satu tabiat yg bdak f32 yang lain x buat.. ( setakat yang aku perasan la…) yaitu.. mandi tengahari.. Bagus Thiah, I like!!!! Thiah x kisah pasal duit dengan kawan2.. x kedekut la maknenye tu… dan thiah is not easily annoyed.. kire penyabar la… Thiah, I miss U!!!!

~Mahirah aka Adik kak Mahi

Eih, korunk, muke die memg matured n serious, terutamenye ble die pkai spek y takde bingkai tuh, mcm cikgu pun ade..( die penah jd Ustzah kat Bangi).. Tapi, ble die cakap…. Adui, manjenye…ble die gelak ..eheheh..comel… aku ske sgt usik dia n ble die jeling…wakakakaka… suke2…Memandangkan katil dia n katl aku ni bekembar kepale, selalu la aku usik dia.. Rindu lak dengar Mahi ketawa..Kalau nk tau Mahi ni mentor Kimia peribadi aku merangkap Cikgu Vokal n tarannum utk bebudak f32 juge atlet pecut umah thariq…Kalau ak bosan, aku suruh la Mahi mengaji ke, nyanyi ke..dan Mahi jarang skali tolak permintaanku.. Adeh, sayang Mahi.. Kitorang ske kalau Ibu ( mak Mahi ) datang asrama sbb leh order mcm2.. burger, KFC, Piza, kadang2 Ibu sendri yg masak … Dan yang paling bes ialah ble ibu datang ngan along atau angah( heheheheh..suke……)

Mahi ni kecik je orangye, tp, kecik2 cili api..die ade geng tau!! Geng die sume comel2..

( Izzati. Zawang, Hanisah) hahaahaha…..Rindu sgt nak gelak2 ngan Mahi mcm dulu2..

Miss U Mahi!!

Aku rase smpai sini dulu, penat 2leh, yg len sabau ye, ikut giliran( kedudukan katil)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

huuhuu..mai..,cpt2.!! turn amy plak...hahha..puji2 je nk tau.!kutuk2 smpan dlm ati..hehhe